Baseball Pass in Basketball: Basic Information Explained (2024)

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What is the baseball pass in basketball

The baseball pass consists of offensive action in which a player in possession of the basketball throws it to a receiver, typically using a throwing motion that is somewhat similar to a pitcher’s throw in the sport of baseball.

Additionally, the baseball pass is a type of air pass because it floats through the air and it is also commonly thrown as a long pass down the court.

Why is the baseball pass potentially effective

The baseball pass is potentially effective because it could be used to generate a quick scoring opportunity such as a fast break layup, particularly before the defensive team is fully prepared to stop the offensive execution.

As an example, let’s say that, initially, team A is executing basketball offense and team B implements basketball defense.

Next, let’s also say that team A scores a basket or misses a shot and afterwards, team B is able to gain possession of the basketball.

Following that, let’s say that team A does not execute quick transition defense, especially to protect their basket.

However, at the same time, let’s say that team B executes swift transition offense, mainly by creating a numbers advantage via primary break.

When that happens, one member of team B could throw the baseball pass down the court to another member of team B, who could then score via a layup at the rim.

What is a notable drawback of the baseball pass

One notable drawback of the baseball pass is that it is typically a long air pass and as a result of this, it could be possibly intercepted by a savvy defender.

To further elaborate, when an offensive player throws the baseball pass, it will usually be in the air for at least one to three seconds and there is also a considerable amount of distance between the passer and the receiver.

Because of that, it is possible for a defender to step into the ball’s pathway and steal it, which creates an undesirable turnover for the passer and the offensive team as a whole.

So, to limit or prevent that from happening, an offensive player in possession of the ball should first quickly read the defense and assess the situation prior to executing the baseball pass in most cases.

That is to say, in general, the player with the ball should only consider throwing the baseball pass when the receiver can catch it with little to no defensive resistance.

For example, a player with the ball could probably throw the baseball pass when a potential receiver is sprinting towards the basket while one or more defenders chase behind.

Assuming the player in possession of the ball throws the baseball pass with enough power, the defenders will not be able to intercept it, at least most of the time.

This is because the ball would float over the top of those defenders which gives the receiver an opportunity to catch it and quickly score with a layup or jump shot.

What are the general steps to execute the baseball pass

Generally speaking, to execute the baseball pass, a player should be in the proper stance, grip the ball correctly, position the ball near their ear on the same side as the throwing arm, step towards the receiver, and then release the ball towards that same receiver.

Be in the proper stance

Unlike the basic chest pass, bounce pass, or overhead pass, the player in possession of the ball should generally stand to the side away from the receiver as opposed to facing the receiver.

To clarify, if the player with the ball is in the backcourt and would like to throw it ahead into the frontcourt, that same player should face the sideline with their throwing arm closest to the nearest basket and adjacent baseline within the backcourt.

In addition to standing to the side away from the receiver, the player with the ball should have their feet about shoulder width apart, their knees slightly bent, and their back straight.

Grip the ball correctly

The player should have a firm grip on the ball but not too tightly. Also, it is feasible for the player to grip the ball with one hand if they are able to do so.

However, it is highly recommended that the player initially holds the ball with two hands instead so that the non-throwing hand could act as a guide hand which could also potentially lead to better throwing control and greater accuracy.

Moreover, the player should grip the ball with the finger pads and have the fingers slightly bent while holding the ball. Additionally, the player’s palm should not touch the ball while the player is holding it. In other words, there should be a small pocket of space between the palm and the ball.

This basic concept is important to understand because if the player grips the ball too tightly and/or the ball rests on the player’s palm, then it could negatively affect the speed, velocity, or power of the baseball pass.

Position the ball near the ear

Next, while still gripping the ball, the player should position it towards the back of their ear that is on the same side of the throwing arm, particularly with the throwing palm facing up.

So, if the player would like to throw the ball with their right arm, then that same player should position it towards the back of their right ear.

In addition to that, as the ball is close to the ear, the throwing elbow of the player should be bent near the side of the body.

It should also be noted that the player should not pull the ball too far back behind their head as that could result in an inaccurate throw. Essentially, the player could possibly lose control of the ball as it leaves their hand.

Also, if the player pulls the ball back too far, that same player might not be able to cancel the throwing motion, which could result in a turnover if a defender is able to get near a receiver for a possible interception.

Conversely, let’s say that the player puts the ball near their ear and then proceeds to throw the ball. However, as that throwing motion occurs but just before releasing it, the player could cancel the throw by quickly grabbing the ball with the opposite hand.

Essentially, this canceling action could be viable in certain situations such as when the player with the ball initially thinks that an offensive teammate is open to receive the ball but instead, that same player realizes at the last second that a defender could potentially intercept the pass.

Ultimately, if the ball is too far away from the ear and the throwing elbow is not bent, then the baseball pass could be ineffective at best or result in a turnover at worst.

Step towards the receiver

After executing the previous actions, the player could then step towards the receiver, particularly with the foot that is opposite the throwing arm.

So, if the player would like to throw with the right arm, then the player could step towards the receiver with the left foot, immediately prior to releasing the ball.

Release the ball

After stepping towards the receiver, the player in possession of the ball should release it (i.e. throw it) with one hand to that same receiver.

Also, if the player initially gripped the ball with two hands, then the player should gently pull away the non-throwing hand as the ball gets released.

Furthermore, upon releasing the ball, the throwing elbow of the player should be straightened with the throwing fingers pointing in a downward direction.

It should also be stated that the player should snap the wrist of the throwing hand. This typically causes the ball to be thrown with an adequate amount of speed and power.

Baseball Pass in Basketball: Basic Information Explained (2024)


What is baseball pass in basketball? ›

A baseball pass is a one-handed pass that uses the same motion as a baseball throw. This is often used to make long passes.

How to do a pass basketball? ›

To initiate the pass, step out with one foot towards your target and simultaneously press your arms out, your fingers will rotate so that your palms are facing outwards with your thumbs pointing to the floor. This pass should go in a straight line and arrive at your teammates chest level.

How many types of passing are there in basketball? ›

“Great passers understand when to use the different types of passes that exist in the game of basketball,” collegiate basketball coach Jason Ronai says. “The most commonly used passes are the chest pass, push pass, bounce pass and overhead pass.”

What are the 5 basic skills in basketball and their definition? ›

Shooting, dribbling, defending, rebounding, and passing are among the most significant abilities in the game of basketball.

How do you perform a pass? ›

Coaching Points:
  1. Non-kicking foot placed on the side of the ball pointing at the target.
  2. Head up observe target.
  3. Working on inside-push pass: use inside surface of kicking foot, heel down, toe up.
  4. Strike through the middle of the ball.
  5. Follow through the pass to target with passing foot.
  6. Weight and accuracy of Pass.

What is a bounce pass in basketball? ›

Meaning of bounce pass in English

in basketball, a movement of the ball from one player to another member of the same team by throwing it so that it hits the ground once before going to the other player: The coach showed them how to make a bounce pass. She delivered a perfect bounce pass to her teammate.

How do you play baseball in simple terms? ›

A game is played by two teams of nine players. Each team takes turns playing defense in the field and offense via batting. The pitcher throws the ball to the batter. Defensive players field the ball when it's hit and try to get the runner out.

What is the team without the ball called? ›

The team with the ball is called the offense. The team without the ball is called the defense. They try to steal the ball, contest shots, steal and deflect passes, and garner rebounds.

What are the basic steps in basketball? ›

  1. Hoop/basket: If the ball goes in the hoop with the net, the offensive team scores. ...
  2. Dribble: Bouncing the ball off of the court (the floor). ...
  3. Free throw: When a player is fouled while shooting, they get to shoot free throws. ...
  4. Jump ball: This is how you start the game.

How many seconds can a player hold the ball in basketball? ›

5 second rule

On an inbound pass, a player may only hold on the ball for a maximum of 5 seconds. In the game, if a player is closely guarded, they must start dribbling, passing the ball or attempting a shot within five seconds. Upon violation of this rule, an inbound pass is awarded to the oppossing team.

How much is League Pass basketball? ›

NBA League Pass is currently priced at $15 per month. NBA League Pass Premium costs $23 per month. NBA League Pass offers a seven-day free trial. Note: NBA League Pass has some blackout games, which means certain local games and all nationally broadcast games will be available three hours after the live broadcast.

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