Wealth Distribution Dynamics (2024)


  • Wealth Distribution Dynamics

    • Overview

    • Lorenz Curves and the Gini Coefficient

    • A Model of Wealth Dynamics

    • Implementation

    • Applications

    • Exercises

See also

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30.1. Overview#

This notebook gives an introduction to wealth distribution dynamics, with afocus on

  • modeling and computing the wealth distribution via simulation,

  • measures of inequality such as the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient, and

  • how inequality is affected by the properties of wage income and returns on assets.

One interesting property of the wealth distribution we discuss is Paretotails.

The wealth distribution in many countries exhibits a Pareto tail

  • See this lecture for a definition.

  • For a review of the empirical evidence, see, for example, [BB18].

This is consistent with high concentration of wealth amongst the richest households.

It also gives us a way to quantify such concentration, in terms of the tail index.

One question of interest is whether or not we can replicate Pareto tails from a relatively simple model.

30.1.1. A Note on Assumptions#

The evolution of wealth for any given household depends on theirsavings behavior.

Modeling such behavior will form an important part of this lecture series.

However, in this particular lecture, we will be content with rather ad hoc (but plausible) savings rules.

We do this to more easily explore the implications of different specifications of income dynamics and investment returns.

At the same time, all of the techniques discussed here can be plugged into models that use optimization to obtain savings rules.

We will use the following imports.

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltplt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (11, 5) #set default figure sizeimport numpy as npimport quantecon as qefrom numba import njit, float64, prangefrom numba.experimental import jitclass

30.2. Lorenz Curves and the Gini Coefficient#

Before we investigate wealth dynamics, we briefly review some measures ofinequality.

30.2.1. Lorenz Curves#

One popular graphical measure of inequality is the Lorenz curve.

The package QuantEcon.py, already imported above, contains a function to compute Lorenz curves.

To illustrate, suppose that

n = 10_000 # size of samplew = np.exp(np.random.randn(n)) # lognormal draws

is data representing the wealth of 10,000 households.

We can compute and plot the Lorenz curve as follows:

f_vals, l_vals = qe.lorenz_curve(w)fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.plot(f_vals, l_vals, label='Lorenz curve, lognormal sample')ax.plot(f_vals, f_vals, label='Lorenz curve, equality')ax.legend()plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (2)

This curve can be understood as follows: if point \((x,y)\) lies on the curve, it means that, collectively, the bottom \((100x)\%\) of the population holds \((100y)\%\) of the wealth.

The “equality” line is the 45 degree line (which might not be exactly 45degrees in the figure, depending on the aspect ratio).

A sample that produces this line exhibits perfect equality.

The other line in the figure is the Lorenz curve for the lognormal sample, which deviates significantly from perfect equality.

For example, the bottom 80% of the population holds around 40% of total wealth.

Here is another example, which shows how the Lorenz curve shifts as theunderlying distribution changes.

We generate 10,000 observations using the Pareto distribution with a range ofparameters, and then compute the Lorenz curve corresponding to each set ofobservations.

a_vals = (1, 2, 5) # Pareto tail indexn = 10_000 # size of each samplefig, ax = plt.subplots()for a in a_vals: u = np.random.uniform(size=n) y = u**(-1/a) # distributed as Pareto with tail index a f_vals, l_vals = qe.lorenz_curve(y) ax.plot(f_vals, l_vals, label=f'$a = {a}$')ax.plot(f_vals, f_vals, label='equality')ax.legend()plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (3)

You can see that, as the tail parameter of the Pareto distribution increases, inequality decreases.

This is to be expected, because a higher tail index implies less weight in the tail of the Pareto distribution.

30.2.2. The Gini Coefficient#

The definition and interpretation of the Gini coefficient can be found on the corresponding Wikipedia page.

A value of 0 indicates perfect equality (corresponding the case where theLorenz curve matches the 45 degree line) and a value of 1 indicates completeinequality (all wealth held by the richest household).

The QuantEcon.py library contains a function to calculate the Gini coefficient.

We can test it on the Weibull distribution with parameter \(a\), where the Gini coefficient is known to be

\[G = 1 - 2^{-1/a}\]

Let’s see if the Gini coefficient computed from a simulated sample matchesthis at each fixed value of \(a\).

a_vals = range(1, 20)ginis = []ginis_theoretical = []n = 100fig, ax = plt.subplots()for a in a_vals: y = np.random.weibull(a, size=n) ginis.append(qe.gini_coefficient(y)) ginis_theoretical.append(1 - 2**(-1/a))ax.plot(a_vals, ginis, label='estimated gini coefficient')ax.plot(a_vals, ginis_theoretical, label='theoretical gini coefficient')ax.legend()ax.set_xlabel("Weibull parameter $a$")ax.set_ylabel("Gini coefficient")plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (4)

The simulation shows that the fit is good.

30.3. A Model of Wealth Dynamics#

Having discussed inequality measures, let us now turn to wealth dynamics.

The model we will study is

(30.1)#\[w_{t+1} = (1 + r_{t+1}) s(w_t) + y_{t+1}\]


  • \(w_t\) is wealth at time \(t\) for a given household,

  • \(r_t\) is the rate of return of financial assets,

  • \(y_t\) is current non-financial (e.g., labor) income and

  • \(s(w_t)\) is current wealth net of consumption

Letting \(\{z_t\}\) be a correlated state process of the form

\[z_{t+1} = a z_t + b + \sigma_z \epsilon_{t+1}\]

we’ll assume that

\[R_t := 1 + r_t = c_r \exp(z_t) + \exp(\mu_r + \sigma_r \xi_t)\]


\[y_t = c_y \exp(z_t) + \exp(\mu_y + \sigma_y \zeta_t)\]

Here \(\{ (\epsilon_t, \xi_t, \zeta_t) \}\) is IID and standardnormal in \(\mathbb R^3\).

The value of \(c_r\) should be close to zero, since rates of returnon assets do not exhibit large trends.

When we simulate a population of households, we will assume all shocks are idiosyncratic (i.e., specific to individual households and independent across them).

Regarding the savings function \(s\), our default model will be

(30.2)#\[s(w) = s_0 w \cdot \mathbb 1\{w \geq \hat w\}\]

where \(s_0\) is a positive constant.

Thus, for \(w < \hat w\), the household saves nothing. For\(w \geq \bar w\), the household saves a fraction \(s_0\) oftheir wealth.

We are using something akin to a fixed savings rate model, whileacknowledging that low wealth households tend to save very little.

30.4. Implementation#

Here’s some type information to help Numba.

wealth_dynamics_data = [ ('w_hat', float64), # savings parameter ('s_0', float64), # savings parameter ('c_y', float64), # labor income parameter ('μ_y', float64), # labor income paraemter ('σ_y', float64), # labor income parameter ('c_r', float64), # rate of return parameter ('μ_r', float64), # rate of return parameter ('σ_r', float64), # rate of return parameter ('a', float64), # aggregate shock parameter ('b', float64), # aggregate shock parameter ('σ_z', float64), # aggregate shock parameter ('z_mean', float64), # mean of z process ('z_var', float64), # variance of z process ('y_mean', float64), # mean of y process ('R_mean', float64) # mean of R process]

Here’s a class that stores instance data and implements methods that updatethe aggregate state and household wealth.

@jitclass(wealth_dynamics_data)class WealthDynamics: def __init__(self, w_hat=1.0, s_0=0.75, c_y=1.0, μ_y=1.0, σ_y=0.2, c_r=0.05, μ_r=0.1, σ_r=0.5, a=0.5, b=0.0, σ_z=0.1): self.w_hat, self.s_0 = w_hat, s_0 self.c_y, self.μ_y, self.σ_y = c_y, μ_y, σ_y self.c_r, self.μ_r, self.σ_r = c_r, μ_r, σ_r self.a, self.b, self.σ_z = a, b, σ_z # Record stationary moments self.z_mean = b / (1 - a) self.z_var = σ_z**2 / (1 - a**2) exp_z_mean = np.exp(self.z_mean + self.z_var / 2) self.R_mean = c_r * exp_z_mean + np.exp(μ_r + σ_r**2 / 2) self.y_mean = c_y * exp_z_mean + np.exp(μ_y + σ_y**2 / 2) # Test a stability condition that ensures wealth does not diverge # to infinity. α = self.R_mean * self.s_0 if α >= 1: raise ValueError("Stability condition failed.") def parameters(self): """ Collect and return parameters. """ parameters = (self.w_hat, self.s_0, self.c_y, self.μ_y, self.σ_y, self.c_r, self.μ_r, self.σ_r, self.a, self.b, self.σ_z) return parameters def update_states(self, w, z): """ Update one period, given current wealth w and persistent state z. """ # Simplify names params = self.parameters() w_hat, s_0, c_y, μ_y, σ_y, c_r, μ_r, σ_r, a, b, σ_z = params zp = a * z + b + σ_z * np.random.randn() # Update wealth y = c_y * np.exp(zp) + np.exp(μ_y + σ_y * np.random.randn()) wp = y if w >= w_hat: R = c_r * np.exp(zp) + np.exp(μ_r + σ_r * np.random.randn()) wp += R * s_0 * w return wp, zp

Here’s function to simulate the time series of wealth for in individual households.

@njitdef wealth_time_series(wdy, w_0, n): """ Generate a single time series of length n for wealth given initial value w_0. The initial persistent state z_0 for each household is drawn from the stationary distribution of the AR(1) process. * wdy: an instance of WealthDynamics * w_0: scalar * n: int """ z = wdy.z_mean + np.sqrt(wdy.z_var) * np.random.randn() w = np.empty(n) w[0] = w_0 for t in range(n-1): w[t+1], z = wdy.update_states(w[t], z) return w

Now here’s function to simulate a cross section of households forward in time.

Note the use of parallelization to speed up computation.

@njit(parallel=True)def update_cross_section(wdy, w_distribution, shift_length=500): """ Shifts a cross-section of household forward in time * wdy: an instance of WealthDynamics * w_distribution: array_like, represents current cross-section Takes a current distribution of wealth values as w_distribution and updates each w_t in w_distribution to w_{t+j}, where j = shift_length. Returns the new distribution. """ new_distribution = np.empty_like(w_distribution) # Update each household for i in prange(len(new_distribution)): z = wdy.z_mean + np.sqrt(wdy.z_var) * np.random.randn() w = w_distribution[i] for t in range(shift_length-1): w, z = wdy.update_states(w, z) new_distribution[i] = w return new_distribution

Parallelization is very effective in the function above because the time pathof each household can be calculated independently once the path for theaggregate state is known.

30.5. Applications#

Let’s try simulating the model at different parameter values and investigatethe implications for the wealth distribution.

30.5.1. Time Series#

Let’s look at the wealth dynamics of an individual household.

wdy = WealthDynamics()ts_length = 200w = wealth_time_series(wdy, wdy.y_mean, ts_length)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.plot(w)plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (5)

Notice the large spikes in wealth over time.

Such spikes are similar to what we observed in time series when we studied Kesten processes.

30.5.2. Inequality Measures#

Let’s look at how inequality varies with returns on financial assets.

The next function generates a cross section and then computes the Lorenzcurve and Gini coefficient.

def generate_lorenz_and_gini(wdy, num_households=100_000, T=500): """ Generate the Lorenz curve data and gini coefficient corresponding to a WealthDynamics mode by simulating num_households forward to time T. """ ψ_0 = np.full(num_households, wdy.y_mean) z_0 = wdy.z_mean ψ_star = update_cross_section(wdy, ψ_0, shift_length=T) return qe.gini_coefficient(ψ_star), qe.lorenz_curve(ψ_star)

Now we investigate how the Lorenz curves associated with the wealth distribution change as return to savings varies.

The code below plots Lorenz curves for three different values of \(\mu_r\).

If you are running this yourself, note that it will take one or two minutes to execute.

This is unavoidable because we are executing a CPU intensive task.

In fact the code, which is JIT compiled and parallelized, runs extremely fast relative to the number of computations.

%%timefig, ax = plt.subplots()μ_r_vals = (0.0, 0.025, 0.05)gini_vals = []for μ_r in μ_r_vals: wdy = WealthDynamics(μ_r=μ_r) gv, (f_vals, l_vals) = generate_lorenz_and_gini(wdy) ax.plot(f_vals, l_vals, label=f'$\psi^*$ at $\mu_r = {μ_r:0.2}$') gini_vals.append(gv)ax.plot(f_vals, f_vals, label='equality')ax.legend(loc="upper left")plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (6)

CPU times: user 1min 28s, sys: 35.2 ms, total: 1min 28sWall time: 12.3 s

The Lorenz curve shifts downwards as returns on financial income rise, indicating a rise in inequality.

We will look at this again via the Gini coefficient immediately below, butfirst consider the following image of our system resources when the code aboveis executing:

Since the code is both efficiently JIT compiled and fully parallelized, it’sclose to impossible to make this sequence of tasks run faster without changinghardware.

Now let’s check the Gini coefficient.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.plot(μ_r_vals, gini_vals, label='gini coefficient')ax.set_xlabel("$\mu_r$")ax.legend()plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (7)

Once again, we see that inequality increases as returns on financial incomerise.

Let’s finish this section by investigating what happens when we change thevolatility term \(\sigma_r\) in financial returns.

%%timefig, ax = plt.subplots()σ_r_vals = (0.35, 0.45, 0.52)gini_vals = []for σ_r in σ_r_vals: wdy = WealthDynamics(σ_r=σ_r) gv, (f_vals, l_vals) = generate_lorenz_and_gini(wdy) ax.plot(f_vals, l_vals, label=f'$\psi^*$ at $\sigma_r = {σ_r:0.2}$') gini_vals.append(gv)ax.plot(f_vals, f_vals, label='equality')ax.legend(loc="upper left")plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (8)

CPU times: user 1min 27s, sys: 43.7 ms, total: 1min 28sWall time: 11.4 s

We see that greater volatility has the effect of increasing inequality in this model.

30.6. Exercises#

Exercise 30.1

For a wealth or income distribution with Pareto tail, a higher tail index suggests lower inequality.

Indeed, it is possible to prove that the Gini coefficient of the Paretodistribution with tail index \(a\) is \(1/(2a - 1)\).

To the extent that you can, confirm this by simulation.

In particular, generate a plot of the Gini coefficient against the tail indexusing both the theoretical value just given and the value computed from a sample via qe.gini_coefficient.

For the values of the tail index, use a_vals = np.linspace(1, 10, 25).

Use sample of size 1,000 for each \(a\) and the sampling method for generating Pareto draws employed in the discussion of Lorenz curves for the Pareto distribution.

To the extent that you can, interpret the monotone relationship between theGini index and \(a\).

Solution to Exercise 30.1

Here is one solution, which produces a good match between theory andsimulation.

a_vals = np.linspace(1, 10, 25) # Pareto tail indexginis = np.empty_like(a_vals)n = 1000 # size of each samplefig, ax = plt.subplots()for i, a in enumerate(a_vals): y = np.random.uniform(size=n)**(-1/a) ginis[i] = qe.gini_coefficient(y)ax.plot(a_vals, ginis, label='sampled')ax.plot(a_vals, 1/(2*a_vals - 1), label='theoretical')ax.legend()plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (9)

In general, for a Pareto distribution, a higher tail index implies less weightin the right hand tail.

This means less extreme values for wealth and hence more equality.

More equality translates to a lower Gini index.

Exercise 30.2

The wealth process (30.1) is similar to a Kesten process.

This is because, according to (30.2), savings is constant for all wealth levels above \(\hat w\).

When savings is constant, the wealth process has the same quasi-linearstructure as a Kesten process, with multiplicative and additive shocks.

The Kesten–Goldie theorem tells us that Kesten processes have Pareto tails under a range of parameterizations.

The theorem does not directly apply here, since savings is not always constant and since the multiplicative and additive terms in (30.1) are not IID.

At the same time, given the similarities, perhaps Pareto tails will arise.

To test this, run a simulation that generates a cross-section of wealth andgenerate a rank-size plot.

If you like, you can use the function rank_size from the quantecon library (documentation here).

In viewing the plot, remember that Pareto tails generate a straight line. Isthis what you see?

For sample size and initial conditions, use

num_households = 250_000T = 500 # shift forward T periodsψ_0 = np.full(num_households, wdy.y_mean) # initial distributionz_0 = wdy.z_mean

Solution to Exercise 30.2

First let’s generate the distribution:

num_households = 250_000T = 500 # how far to shift forward in timewdy = WealthDynamics()ψ_0 = np.full(num_households, wdy.y_mean)z_0 = wdy.z_meanψ_star = update_cross_section(wdy, ψ_0, shift_length=T)

Now let’s see the rank-size plot:

fig, ax = plt.subplots()rank_data, size_data = qe.rank_size(ψ_star, c=0.001)ax.loglog(rank_data, size_data, 'o', markersize=3.0, alpha=0.5)ax.set_xlabel("log rank")ax.set_ylabel("log size")plt.show()

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (10)

Wealth Distribution Dynamics Overview

The article provides an introduction to wealth distribution dynamics, focusing on modeling and computing the wealth distribution via simulation, measures of inequality such as the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient, and how inequality is affected by the properties of wage income and returns on assets. It also discusses the concentration of wealth amongst the richest households, quantifying such concentration in terms of the tail index, and explores the implications of different specifications of income dynamics and investment returns.

Lorenz Curves and the Gini Coefficient

The article explains the Lorenz curve as a graphical measure of inequality, where a sample representing the wealth of households is used to compute and plot the Lorenz curve. It also demonstrates how the Lorenz curve shifts as the underlying distribution changes, showing the impact of the Pareto distribution's tail index on inequality. Additionally, it discusses the Gini coefficient, its interpretation, and provides a function to calculate the Gini coefficient for a given distribution. The article then explores how inequality varies with returns on financial assets and the effect of volatility on inequality.

A Model of Wealth Dynamics

The model of wealth dynamics is presented as a stochastic process that depends on savings behavior, rate of return of financial assets, and current non-financial income. It also introduces a correlated state process and savings function, and provides a class that stores instance data and implements methods to update the aggregate state and household wealth. Furthermore, it includes functions to simulate the time series of wealth for individual households and to simulate a cross section of households forward in time, utilizing parallelization to speed up computation.


The article demonstrates the simulation of the model at different parameter values and investigates the implications for the wealth distribution. It includes visualizations of wealth dynamics of an individual household, inequality measures, and the impact of returns on financial assets and volatility on inequality. The article also provides exercises for further exploration, such as confirming the relationship between the Gini index and the tail index of the Pareto distribution and testing for Pareto tails in the wealth process.


The exercises provided in the article prompt readers to confirm the relationship between the Gini index and the tail index of the Pareto distribution through simulation and to test for Pareto tails in the wealth process by generating a rank-size plot.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the original article.

Wealth Distribution Dynamics (2024)
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