Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (2024)

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Total Time: 1 hour hour 25 minutes minutes

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Caramel, chocolate, and crispy cereal make up these Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bars. These are so easy, you’ll want to keep all the ingredients on hand for when a craving hits!


Making candy at home is actually a lot easier than you’d think! And fun, too – especially when you are making homemade Junior Mints, these Cherry Nut Chocolates, or even Homemade Lemon Drops!

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (1)

I have to confess that I’m not really a candy bar kind of person. I mean, I’ll have one every once in awhile, but they aren’t something I crave or go out of my way for.

Unless it’s a 100 grand candy bar. That is one candy bar that I have a hard time turning down.

But do you know what’s even better? Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bars.

Yep, you can make these at home, and I dare say they are actually better. All it takes is a few ingredients, and not that much hands on time, even.

The hardest part is trying to keep your family from consuming them so fast that you can’t save any for later!

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (2)


  • Caramel: I used to always make these with the square Kraft caramels, but one time I tried the Werther’s soft caramels and I’ve never gone back. These caramels are not only softer and easier to work with, but I feel like they taste more like the center to a store bought 100 Grand. You can always try to use homemade caramel candy if you want to go all out.
  • Chocolate Chips: I use chocolate chips for the outer chocolate, but if you have a chocolate you like better, you can use that.
  • Shortening: The shortening will help with the consistency for the chocolate and make it more manageable for dipping.
  • Crispy Rice Cereal: This is a cereal such as Rice Krispies – it creates that crispiness in the chocolate coating.

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (3)

How to Make 100 Grand Candy Bars

1: Take 2 of your unwrapped caramels and mold them together into a rectangle that is about 1/2-inch thick. If they are not sticking together, you may just need to microwave them for 5 or less seconds. It doesn’t take long! Continue with the rest of the caramels.

2: Place your chocolate chips and shortening in a large bowl. Start microwaving the mixture in 15-30 second intervals at half power, stirring often. Alternately, you can do this in a double boiler.

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (4)

3: Once the chocolate is melted, stir until smooth.

4: Pour in the cereal.

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (5)

5: Mix until the cereal is completely coated. Take one of your molded caramels and dip it into the chocolate mixture. It’s a little messy, and you’ll have to make sure that some of the mixture covers the caramel. I like to do this with a fork.

6: Take the dipped caramel and lightly drag it across the lip of the bowl to flatten the bottom as much as possible. Place the dipped caramel on a sheet of waxed paper. Repeat with the remaining caramel.

7: Let the candy sit until the chocolate is set before serving.

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (6)

Tips and Tricks

Store the candy bars in a cool place. I like to put them in a container with a lid in the pantry.

Want to save some for later! They can be frozen for up to a year. Let them thaw at room temperature completely before serving.

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (7)

More Caramel Favorites

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (8)

Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar

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Author: Deborah Harroun

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes minutes

Total Time: 1 hour hour 25 minutes minutes

Servings: 20 bars

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

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Caramel, chocolate, and crispy cereal make up these Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bars. These are so easy, you’ll want to keep all the ingredients on hand for when a craving hits!


  • 40 unwrapped caramels at room temperature (I like the Werther’s soft caramel)
  • 12 oz milk chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable shortening
  • 3/4 cup crispy rice cereal like Rice Krispies


  • Take 2 caramels and flatten them together into a rectangle about 1/2-inch thick. This is easiest to do if they are a little warm, so if needed, microwave them for 5 seconds to soften them up. Continue with the rest of the caramels. Set aside.

  • In a bowl, combine the chocolate chips and the shortening. Cook in a double boiler or in the microwave on half power until melted. Make sure to stir often.

  • When the chocolate is melted and smooth, add the cereal and stir to combine.

  • Cover each of the caramels with the chocolate mixture. (I thought this was easiest using a fork. You want the bottom covered with chocolate, but not necessarily the cereal, so I would run each caramel across the lip of the bowl to get rid of any excess.)

  • Transfer to a sheet of waxed paper. Allow the candies to firm up for 1-2 hours before serving.

Recipe Notes:

Nutrition information provided as an estimate only. Various brands and products can change the counts. Any nutritional information should be used as a general guide.

Nutrition Information

Serving: 1bar, Calories: 143kcal (7%), Carbohydrates: 22g (7%), Protein: 2g (4%), Fat: 6g (9%), Saturated Fat: 4g (25%), Cholesterol: 2mg (1%), Sodium: 51mg (2%), Sugar: 17g (19%)

Keywords: 100 grand candy, 100 grand candy bar, candy recipe, homemade candybar

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  1. michelle says

    this is hilarious


    • Deborah says

      oh goodness – I’m remaking this one this week!! 😉


  2. Gigi says

    Happy New Year! Congrats on completing the project!


  3. KJ says

    Congratulations – that’s a huge achievement!! And Happy New Year. Wishing you a great year.


  4. Shelby aka HoneyB says

    works for me too! I love those 1000 Grand bars!


  5. Maria says

    congrats on finishing your project! Happy new year!


  6. Darius T. Williams says

    It’s still a great pic – really it is…I bet it tastes fantastic!


  7. Peabody says

    Works for me!


  8. Ingrid says

    Congrats on your New Year’s resolution for 2008! I’m hoping to be able to say the same at the end of this new year!

    Happy 2009, I’m certain it’s going to be a good one for ya!! Lots of first with a new baby!


  9. Sophie says

    Hey, but you did finish the project :D! …And I don’t think that pic is bad, it has a minimalist laid-back look, I like it. Hope you’re having a great New Year so far :).


  10. eatme_delicious says

    Yum simple and delicious! Happy new year. =)


  11. Ann says

    I just happened in through a series of clicks on blogs and THIS IS AMAZING. What an undertaking you started and WOW.. You finished it!

    I’ll be coming back to see what you plan in 2009!~ann


  12. Katie B. says

    Happy New Year!! Yanno – if your resolution had been easy, sure, you would have finished much earlier – but would it have been as much fun!!

    Your bars look terrific – not surprised your husband ate all but one! 🙂


  13. Mary says

    Congratulations on finishing your project. No small accomplishment.


  14. Joy the Baker says

    You completed you New Year’s resolution! That’s crazy amazing! Fantastic!! Don’t even think twice about “taking the easy way out” because you totally completed your goal. Bravo! Well done! Happy New Year!


  15. Dawn says

    Finishing a project is most important. How did they taste? I loved those bars, haven’t had one in ages.
    Happy New Year to you!


  16. Mary says

    Congratulations on finishing your project! (the bars look delicious too!)


  17. ashley says

    congrats on a successful cookbook project for 2008! can’t wait to see what you’ve got for us in 2009!


  18. Aimée says

    Happy New Year! Congrats on finishing your project, that’s great.


  19. kristina says

    Congratulations on finishing the cookbook project! That’s so fantastic. You’ve inspired me to try to do the same in 2009. I only hope I’ll be as successful as you! Happy New Year! K x


  20. Grace says

    that sounds like a 100 grand bar to me, and i’d definitely eat it. tis no surprise there was only one left. 🙂
    happy 2009!


  21. glamah16 says

    Happy New Year.


  22. Patsyk says

    I just received a copy of one of those copycat cookbooks! Congrats on finishing your project! I really should work harder at using each of my cookbooks more during this year. You found some great recipes this past year.

    Happy New Year!


  23. Audrey says

    Happy New Year!! Hoping to see many more recipes in ’09!


  24. Gretchen Noelle says

    I actually really like the shot. Good for you for finishing your project! That is certainly an accomplishment!


  25. Amanda at Little Foodies says

    Happy New Year Deborah. I hope 2009 gives you many happy times filled with love, laughter and of course the odd proud parent moment! 😉


  26. Rosa's Yummy Yums says

    LOL! I bet those bars were delicious!

    Happy new Year!




  27. Colloquial Cook says

    Haha, fab! That’s also part of what cooking is about… dealing with the hungry masses! I think you did really well with your ambitious project!


  28. sunita says

    Happy new year to you and yours, dear Deb 🙂


  29. breadchick says

    These were some of my favorite candy bars growing up. I’ll definitely have to give them a try.

    Happy New Year to you and yours.


  30. Crazy Lady says

    Yahoo you finished! What is your goal for 2009


  31. Melanie says

    That’s funny because I saw the picture and thought “that looks like a professional picture from a cookbook” – it really does to me. I don’t know why. Anyway, the treats sound yummy! Good luck with 2009 – if I remember right you should be ready to have a baby soon. Best of luck!


  32. Megan says

    Congrats on finishing the project and with such a tasty looking treat. I know they’re good if your hubby ate them all but one. 🙂
    Happy New Year Deborah!


  33. Bellini Valli says

    You did it Deborah and ended the year with a tasty treat as well as accomplished your goal. Roll on 2009!!!!!


  34. Kevin says

    Happy new year!


  35. Paula says

    Ha! I love it! My hubby would have done the exact same thing! I happen to have all the ingredients on hand, and as a double bonus, this is a gluten free recipe for all those who can’t have some of the traditional sweets due to wheat ingredients! YUM! Happy New Year!


  36. Abby says

    Happy New Year! Your 2009 is going to be FABULOUS.


Homemade 100 Grand Candy Bar Recipe (2024)
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